Environmental Conditions
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last edited
by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago
“Safety and Health Topics: Molds and Fungi.” 24 Sept. 2004. U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration. 01 Dec. 2006 <http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/molds/index.html>. | Contains information on the health effects of mold and fungi, detection methods, clean-up procedures, and applicable OSHA standards. | “Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings.” 15 Mar. 2006. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Indoor Environments Division (6609-J) EPA 402-K-01-001. 01 Dec. 2006. <http://www.epa.gov/iaq/molds/mold_remediation.html>. | This document outlines the steps in investigating, evaluating, and remediating mold and moisture problems that should be followed by either contractors or in house workers. It also provides prevention tips and a checklist for mold remediation. | “Specific OSH Hazards by Hazard.” 2004. WORKSAFE!: A California Coalition for Worker Occupational Safety & Health Protection. 17 Nov. 2006 <http://www.worksafe.org/topics/hazards_byhazard.cfm>. | A listing of links to other Internet sources on many types of workplace threats, including asbestos, heat stress, lead, noise, and workplace violence, among many others. There is also a large section on ergonomics links. Although the WORKSAFE coalition is focused on California workers, many of the resources listed on the website are not specific to California. | | |
Environmental Conditions
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